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כתבת ספר? התקדם לספר דיגיטלי
שלח כתב יד ובדוק את הפוטנציאל השיווקי

Small Town Bar

חן קוצ'ינסקי

הוצאה: ספרי צמרת

| תחום: סיפורת


אנו מצטערים אך דירגת כבר ספר זה.

(מדרגים 138, ניקוד 640)

171 עמ', כריכה רכה, פורמט 13.3*21, מאי 2016

I love the Small Town bar,

It’s always happy hour there

Exotic and so heartwarming

Julie-Juliette keeps us happy

Five friends from the same town get together at the same bar every evening. The owner of the bar, the legendary Jack Ronaldson is also the boyfriend/husband of the sexiest waitress in the district, Julie-Juliette. She’s the one who takes care of the drinks that flow like water and the ambience that makes the customers come back for more!

This is a story about a small town where simple people who all know each other frequent the town bar to pass the time and have a lot of fun in order to forget about their bitterly hard times and to calm down from a long, hard day’s work. At the Small Town bar they talk about their problems and all kinds of important issues, about everything that’s on their minds; things that have concerned everybody since the beginning of time. 

 Between nibbles, drinks, enjoyment and compliments, between anger and even fighting, the friends are fiercely bonded and talk about life and the world situation. Here and there they exchange experiences and world views. Love stories, passion, the cost of living, soaring real estate prices, the rich and the poor – all these are served up to the hungry reader alongside platters filled with comfort food and beer and whiskey to wash it all down.

So, while it’s true that life is hard sometimes, and in spite of the bitter and difficult moments – everyone is intent on appreciating life’s little pleasures and to drink and party to the hilt.

מחירים באתר

  • ספר דיגיטלי (ePub)
    19.9 ₪
  • ספר בהדפסה ביתית (pdf)
    19.9 ₪
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